Unit 3 Vocabulary

Term Definition Example
Lists A list is a sequence of several variables, grouped together under a single name
2D Lists A 2D array is an array of arrays that can be represented in matrix form, like rows and columns.
Dictionaries a set of words or other text strings made for use in applications such as spelling checkers.
Class a class is a template definition of the method s and variable s in a particular kind of object
Algorithms An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure that defines a set of instructions that must be carried out in a specific order to produce the desired result.
Sequence the order that commands are executed by a computer
Selection Selection is a programming construct where a section of code is run only if a condition is met
Iteration sequence of instructions or code being repeated until a specific end result is achieved
Truth Tables A truth table is a breakdown of all the possible truth values returned by a logical expression
Operators an operator is a character that represents a specific mathematical or logical action or process
If Else Conditionals Conditional statements are used through the various programming languages to instruct the computer on the decision to make when given some conditions
Parameters special kind of variable in computer programming language that is used to pass information between functions or procedures.