My Quiz

Programs Explanation

I made my quiz based on the theme of the NBA team the Sacramento Kings. When creating the quiz, there were several parts. First I designed all the screens. I made a “startPage” screen, an “incorrect” screen and a “correct” screen along with the screens for all 3 of the quiz questions. Once the quiz taker starts the quiz they are directed to the first quiz qestion. If the answer is correct the score variable be increased by1 and the user will be directed to the correct screen. If answered incorrect, the score won’t change and the user will be redirected to the incorrect screen. After all the questions “FinalScore” screen which shows the score out of 3.


  • After a few tries testing how to display correct and incorrect screens after answering questions, I got it to work efficiently.
  • Figured out how to display the score at the end with help from my partner.


  • We learned how to use Applab and to make a quiz. Exploring the different blocks helped us understand how to make different programs in general.
  • Learned that making a program can involve a lot of brainstorming and continuously testing various methods.

Final Quiz

This is the link to my quiz.