Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing


  • Engineers take advantage of computing innovations to collect data and design products.
  • Communication has greatly improved as a result of computing, which highly increases the efficiency of many fields.
  • Storage of data and documents has become much easier due to the invention of new devices and computers

Harmful Effects

  • There is a loss of privacy due to the use of information gathered by companies
  • Many skillful craftsman have been replaced by machines, and lose their jobs
  • Many people become too absorbed in technology and face health problems

Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?

Dopamine issues are very real; many people become so absorbed in video games and social media that they can only focus on these things. These people often see low grades as well as little social interactions.

How does someone empower themself in a digital world?

Empowering yourself in a digital world can mean learning effective ways to use technology as well as knowing how to protect yourself and your information. Building these good habits allows you to properly find valid information on the internet as well as see different perspectives.

How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

You can provide people with the information needed to stay safe while on the internet as well as providing them ways to effeciently use their devices. For example, at DNHS we have this class which helps people be digitally empowered.

Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

One barrier at Del Norte is a financial barrier. Many people aren’t able to be empowered because they lack access to proper technology. This is common in many parts of the world as people don’t have access to devices and other forms of technology.

Think of three beneficial effects of your projects based on Unit 5.1
  • People are easily able to find recipes that cater to their specific dietary needs
  • People will be able to find the recipes that they want as well as being able to see other people’s opininons with minimal searching of the internet
  • People will be able to have recipes that they already have tried and liked readily available to them whenever they want
Think of a potential harmful effect of your project.
  • People can somehow bypass the sanitation process of the data and post foul language, as well as post recipes that don’ turn out well.
What are pros/cons on internet blockers at router and lack of admin password on lab machines at school?
  • The main pro of internet blockers is that they help students stay on task at school
  • Some websites and resources that the school blocks are bad, and are often necessary for some classes
What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide?
  • Since we are in a rich and privileged community, many people don’t understand the issues that other people face, both in other parts of the country and the world.