
  • Implement from all 6 lessons (SASS, JQUEREY, Thymeleaf, JWT, CORS, UI/UX)
  • Implementing Java Structures
  • Have an actual purpose
  • Link to blog for reqs. (N/A)

Purpose Brainstorming

  • Multi-player game
    • bitlife
  • Crypto
  • Building management system (hospital data visualizer)
  • Something that uses login

What is each person interested in?

Person Interest
Tanay Economics, finance, stock market, basketball
Paaras Music, Art, Robotics, Tennis, Swimming, french culture, game development, poe-a-tree, animation
Varalu Robotics, Quantum computing/physics, Hospitality, Dungeons and Dragons, cryptography, card games, electrical engineering, artificial intelligence/CNN, biotechnology, finance, basketball, football/football 🇺🇸, cricket, french culture, writing, game development, animation/animating, model building/3d modeling, graphic design, music (punk), singing, theater

Narrowing it down

Shared Interests Economics/finance, music, robotics, basketball, animation, game development, blockcahin

  1. Idea: Music/Rhythym game with blockchain NFTs
    • You can play a pythym game against artists and gain their NFT card when you win
  2. Idea: Fantasy Albums
    • Bet on music and album streams every so often, get a reward for winning a league, can trade albums and artists
  3. Idea: IDEA DATING SITE!!!!!! UWU
    • Its a site, where you pitch ideas to people and they can either swipe right or left, to either fund, or join your project. This allow prospective entrepreneurs to gain important contacts, funding etc.

Deciding on a Choice

We all generally like idea number three! The IDEA DATING SITE!!!!!! UWU is a very cool idea that allows people to get their ideas across, but in a fun and interactive kind of way

Purpose: To allow people to gain either supporters, funders, or workers for their project.